
Happy New Year!

 Happy New Year, Friends!

I've enjoyed my little bloggy break, but I'm glad to be back!  We had a good New Year.  We celebrated New Year's Eve at home and were in bed by 11:30 - is that pathetic or what?  HA!  On New Year's Day we headed over to our friends' house for fried chicken, mashed potatoes, tomato gravy, black-eyed peas and cornbread.  It was all SO good!  No big resolutions for me this year!  Just a few little goals I'll share later in the week.

Jack was sick last week, so we're back to doing breathing treatments a few times a day.  Luckily, he doesn't mind them as much as he did when he was a baby and will even sit and do them by himself, but of course that only lasts for a couple of minutes.  He's such a big boy now!

And is INTO EVERYTHING!  I thought he was into everything before, but it's really true now.  Nothing goes unnoticed or untouched anymore.  We have to really watch him, because he likes to unplug things, and would really like to plug them back in.  And, he's a climber now!  He has no problem climbing on the couches or the ottoman and a few times has even attempted to just walk right off of them.  He's a real-life little boy now!  I can only imagine what the rest of 2011 will bring!  HA!

On a totally unrelated note: 


Here are some of the new designs:

I'm offering FREE SHIPPING and 10% off your entire order from now through the end of January.  Enter Coupon Code: JJT10 at check-out!



Kari said...

I love your shop...all the chothes are super cute. I LOVE the Elmo shirt! XOXO

Joni said...

all the little things in your shop are so cute. i love them all. that cowprint baby gift set is THE best! i left you an award over at my place on my i heart faces entry for today.

Jennifer said...

Happy New Year and welcome back. I think we all needed a bloggy break..LOL! I am so there with you on Jack being into everything. Anthony is the same way. This is a hear age. It does get better though. Hopefully sooner than later :) I am loving tall of your new designs. So cute :)

Ashley Paige said...

Seriously. Where has my head been all this time? I read each and every one of your comments and you make me laugh hysterically and I'm JUST following your blog now. I'm such a fool! I've missed so much.. and your ETSY shop? Woman, you are amazing. I would like everything listed for boys. No, seriously. Okay, well.. as soon as I can convince husband that we don't need to eat for a week (if I keep up my kitchen shenanigans, that might be too easy!) and I can use that money more wisely on ADORABLE shirts for Carter, you'll see my orders start to roll in!! Happy New Year!!

Shannon said...

Oh my gosh...love it all, especially GG's Elmo shirt! You are so talented, friend! And by the way, where was my dinner invite? Hello, you had me at fried chicken and gravy!

Happy New Year!

Mama K said...

Cute stuff!! Happy New Year!!

Auntie D said...

Thank you again! Just shared your etsy shop address on my blog and we even put Piper in her dress. My sister in law was THRILLED with the dress.

Thank you again!! :)

WeeMasonMan's Mom said...

If it's any consolation, we didn't go anywhere at all on NYE and I was in bed at 11:10 (I stayed up and watched the east coast ball drop LOL)

The stuff in your shop is super adorable!!!