
Happy 18 Months, Little Man!

Dear Jack -

You are one and a half years old and I cannot believe it.  Time passes so quickly now that we have you.  You are so funny and sweet and ALL BOY all.the.time!  I think this is the hardest age so far, because you are strong-willed and stubborn.  You do not like being told "no" and often get mad and throw fits and hit.  It's not fun for me to see you so upset, but I'm hoping it will get better as you learn to talk more and can tell me what you want, instead of me just guessing.

You LOVE your daddy and watch and do everything he does.  Just last night, I caught you pretending my glue gun was a drill.  You had it pointed toward the ground and were making the "Shhhh-Shhhh-Shhh" sound just like a real drill.  I'm guessing you remember this from when Daddy and Uncle Scott put in the new back door a few weeks ago.

You also repeat EVERYTHING we say!  Daddy yells "NIIIICE" during football games after a good play and you yell it back in the same deep voice.  It's so funny!  We try to get you to do it for anyone who comes over.  You can also yell "TOUCHDOWN" and do the hand motion for it too.  I think you may have even said "Go Cowboys" once.  I love it!  You have the sweetest little voice and I'm so happy that now you know what you're saying when you say Mama or Dada.  You still don't say many words on your own, but I know it's coming!  You have added yogurt, milk, go, no, uh oh, hi and hot to your vocabulary recently.  You think everything is hot and will say "hot, hot" and shake your hand like you're cooling it off.  It's too cute!  When I'm trying to get you to go somewhere and you refuse (which is often) I'll say "go, go, go" and give you a little nudge and you'll run saying "go, go, go!" 

You can now open the dishwasher (even when it's locked) you can raise the lid on the toilet (YUCK!) and you can reach on top of all the counters and tables.  You are getting too big!  It's hard for us to hide anything from you because you are constantly watching EVERYTHING we do and you don't forget anything.  If I can't find your blankie and I ask you where it is, you always know exactly where you left it.  You're a climber now too.  We've caught you on top of the end tables, in the computer chair and trying to climb over the back of the couch! 

You love to read books, but will seldom sit still while I read them to you.  You prefer to sit on your own and mumble to yourself.  I love it!  This morning while I was trying to take pictures of you, you grabbed a book and just sat there "reading" to yourself.  I would love to know what goes through that little mind of yours!

Your favorite foods are yogurt, bananas, mandarin oranges, peas, carrots, cheddar cheese, crackers, goldfish, applesauce, whole grain cheerios, hotdogs, buttered toast, and Nutrigrain bars.  Sometimes you really like spaghetti, pulled pork, chicken, taco rice, taco meat and beef enchilads.  Last night you ate an entire beef enchilada w/ chili con carne!  I've also introduced you to chocolate milk, which you LOVE!  I only put a tad bit of chocolate in it, but you drink it up!  When I open the refrigerator, sometimes you'll grab the chocolate for me to put in your milk.  The other day you even climbed up in the fridge to show me you wanted some yogurt.

Jack, there is never a dull moment with you!  You keep us laughing all the time at the things you're doing or the things you've done!  We love it how you dance when music comes on or try to jump up and down.  You are so FUNNY and SILLY!  You make the funniest faces, especially when you try to wink with both eyes and scrunch up your nose.  You are the light of my life and I'm so proud to be your Mama! 

Happy 18 Months, Little Man!
We Love You!

Jack's Stats
weight - 30.5 lbs
height - 34.5 inches
12 teeth (4 top, 4 bottom, 4 molars)
one 2-hour nap
in bed by 8:00pm
awake around 8:00am
3 meals and 2 snacks


Heather said...

OH my goodness! What a big boy. I remember 18 months ago today driving across Texas just to be at your birth. Fortunately, I made it but you were a stubborn little boy and thought you were a flamingo. I made it just in time for your mommy's c-section. How did you know that a Flamingo was Aunt Heather's favorite bird? Happy 1 1/2 years Baby Jack or should I say BIG BOY Jack! We love you and miss you!

Aunt Heather, Lily and Chase

Tracey said...

What a precious posting for a precious little man! Happy 18-months Jack! :)

The Regal Pup said...

Looking at his stats, he's a big boy! Happy 18 months to Jack!

Allyn Marie said...

Aw I love this! My favorite is his "copy daddy" moments! Especially the drill :) too cute! And those John Deere boots are adorable!

Shannon said...

Gosh, B our little are growing! Can't believe it! I need to get on the ball with GG's 18 month post! There's so much of this that Jack and GG share in common.

Love how they're just little sponges absorbing and then tossing back everything we say! Gotta watch it though... :)

Happy 18, Jack (and momma)!

Tales from the Trails said...

Happy 18th month Birthday Jack!!

I know I've only met you in blogland but you are the cutest little boy I know. Your mom and dad love you so much and it shows. Can't wait to see you grow into a big boy.

Mama K said...

So fun to read about what our not-so-little one's are up to. Happy 18 months!

Jennifer said...

Happy 18 months to Jack!! Before you know it, he is going to be 2!! Scary, isn't it? This is such a fun age. Watching them as they mimic dad or the tv...it is so amazing to me. Enjoy every minute of your little boy :)

Laura@The Oily Cupboard said...

it's scary how fast these time fly! i look at my oldest baby who is now 14 a freshman in hs ...and i can still remember his 1st bday and being my only baby! He's now 5'10 or taller and is becoming a man..what the heck happened to slowing time down?

love love jack's john deer boots!