
Sweet Baby Randoms

First of all, thank you all for your sweet comments on yesterday's post.  Jack seems to be feeling a little better today, but yesterday, he was still grumpy, his tummy still wasn't right and his bottom was RAW.  I've tried every diaper cream under the sun and nothing seemed to help, so last night Ran found some Bacitracin ointment and I put a little of it on Jack's bottom before bed and by this morning almost all of the redness is gone.  Thank goodness, because it was looking really painful.  Poor baby.

(Still not feeling too good last night)

He did manage to play a little bit, but for the most part he just wanted to be held or lay on the couch with us.  He's such a sweet baby when he doesn't feel good.  (I hate it when he's sick, but I do love this side effect.)  I know he's still not feeling great because he won't eat.  This is unusual for this little one.  I think all he ate last night was a few pretzels and some yogurt.  I've been giving him pediasure, milk and water just to make sure he's getting enough nutrients and fluids.  We're going to the dr tomorrow for his 18 month appointment, so hopefully everything will check out fine.
"But Mama, I don't want to go to school today!"

So, he rolled over and tried to go back to sleep.  I hate when I have to wake him up in the mornings.  He always looks so sweet and cozy!  I love his sleepy little eyes.

Getting a quick manicure before school. 

I have a basket on Jack's dresser where I keep all of his diapers, wipes and other necessities and this morning he found the fingernail clippers.  He was trying to cut his own nails, but that didn't work out so well.  HA!  I guess he likes for Daddy to cut them, because he wouldn't let me touch the clippers without screaming, but when Randy came in the room, Jack handed him the clippers and just stood there while Ran cut his nails.  

I think it's the sweetest thing ever when Jack walks up and hugs our legs. He's started doing it a lot lately and it's just so cute... until he bites! Little Stinker! 


Anonymous said...

My little girl had a severe rash last week. It is horrible, you know it hurts. We even let her sleep without a diaper to let it get air to it, which made a big difference too.

Aly @ Analyze This said...

Hahaha oh no!! He bites?!?! That's awful!

But sweet little boy you have there!

Traci said...

Poor little thing looks so pitiful! Glad he seems to be better today.

Marjorie said...

awww...poor guy. how old is he? i have a 2 year old and 13 month old boy.

Kari said...

Such a sweetie pie. It makes me sad that one day my baby boy will be this tough guy...savor the moments.

Jenelle said...

I am your newest follower from the Tuesday blog hop! Glad to hear that your little one is feeling better. It can be tough sometime to have sick little one especially when they can't talk and tell you what is going on.

Hope you will stop by and follow.

Happy Tuesday


Tales from the Trails said...

Poor lil fella, he's had a rough few days.

Silly questions...but where do you find his pj's? They are so cute.

Shannon said...

Awww, sick babies...know that well! GG has been under the weather for a few days as well! :(

Glad Jack is feeling better! (Oh and thanks for being patient with me, I will measure soon, promise!)

SkinnyMeg said...

Awww poor boy! I hate sick babies, when they don't eat I get soooo worried!! Hope he's feeling better soon :)

Laura@The Oily Cupboard said...

i hate sick babies...not as in hatin the baby...but the fact they are sick haha

hey i think i bought that soft brown crib sheet for reid! i'd kill for one of those for my bed!

KM said...

how wonderful! my 3 year old is the same, he will hug you tight and then chomp down and laugh and laugh! stinkers!!

Jennifer said...

Glad ot hear that Jack is feeling a little bit better. He still looks a little under the weather with those sad eyes :( As far as diaper rash goes, Desitin doesn't work for you? It seems to always clear my kids within a few hours :) Too cute when the kiddos hug your leg, Anthony is doing that now too! Good luck at his 18 month appointment.

Krista said...

Oh my gosh, doesn't it just break your heart when their sick!? My sons just want to be held when their sick too, hopefully he will be on the mend quickly. Enjoy those hugs!