{one} It's Friday! But that's not the only reason...
{three} And the real reason I'm so excited today, is because we get to have date night tomorrow! We're going to our friend's 40th birthday party at a nice hotel downtown, so it's not a "date" date, but it is a night out! We're even spending the night down there! WooHOOO! I have the best Mama! She is driving up here tomorrow (an almost 4 hour trip) just to babysit for us so we can go to the party. We've never left Jack with a babysitter (not because I'm against it, because I'm not) but we just don't have one. I've called a few of the girls who work at his school to keep him in the past, but we're kinda last minute people, so it's just never worked out. I am so thankful my mom is willing to come keep Jack tomorrow night, because I'm we're in desperate need of a night out!
Happy Friday!
What are your weekend plans
I just don't understand why kids like hotdogs so much. BLECH!! Have a wonderful time at the party!!!
We have yet another Christmas party this weekend if you can believe it! My husband has some out of state relatives that can't come in until January so we save our big gift exchange until mid-January. Talk about stretching out the holidays! It's fun though.
Enjoy your date!
Happy Friday! We are having a date tomorrow too, except it will be in the afternoon. We are going to see Black Swan and then grabbing lunch, I don't even know if we've been to the movies just the two of us since we had Carson, it's been a LONG time! lol. Have fun tomorrow night! You deserve it!
lol@ desperate need of a night out. yeah those days are now a thing of the past for me. (not that i got them to begin w/)
I just happened to come across your blog. You have alot of great things on your blog! Thanks for sharing!
Yay for a good nights sleep!
So fun, B! Okay and not to take away from this post but I spy an Elmo dress...too stinkin' perfect for you know who! I MUST have it!
Just installed H's blog. Yay! Thanks again, friend!
Yay for Jack and sleeping well. GG had an upset tummy last night so we got off to a rocky start, but we've been so blessed, she's a fantastic sleeper!
And I'm with you on the dogs, turkey or otherwise, yuck!
Happy Friday and enjoy yourself!
I almost died when I read how long he slept! You have a right to be excited! Have fun on your date...
It is so great that Jack slept last night. You probably woke up though wondering why he didn't get up...LOL! My boys are almost 2 and almost 5 and one of them is up at some point every night. I can't remember the last time I slept all night :) So great that your mom is coming up to watch Jack. My mom lives 10 minutes away and it is hard to get her to watch them, especially over night :) Enjoy your time with your hubs and have a great weekend..
I love how toddlers will mix any food together, yuck! Yay for a night out, Grandma's rock!! I've never used a babysitter either, thankfully I have lots of family close by :)
Yay congrats! It's so nice when they sleep like that - don't you feel so rested???
have a great night tonight! What an awesome mom & grandma to come out so far - though I suspect she can't wait to get her hands on Jack - he's such a cutie!
Have fun!
Cute pictures! yay for sleeping thru the night :)
<3, New Follower
I'm so happy I found you at the Blog Hop.
Following you now.
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Wow! Fun, fun, fun weekend! I'm sure you guys had a blast... We haven't had a night or weekend like that in years.... I can't even count the years! Ugh... I gotta do something about that. :)
Hope it was {great}, and I'm SO with you on the doggie dogs. Yuk-O... Why do they love em' so?
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