
Dr Appointment Update

Jack's appointment with the ENT went well, despite the LONG wait!  We waited to see the doctor for over an hour - do you know how hard it is to entertain a toddler for that long?  He did really well though, he ate his goldfish, colored and even made a girlfriend!  I tell you this little boy is a FLIRT!  HA!

The doctor said his ears were clear, and his hearing test showed that he hears within the normal range for a 16 month old, so that is good!  The doc said we could go ahead and put tubes in if we wanted since he's had so many ear infections, but we are going to wait.

We go for a follow-up visit in February - sooner if he has another ear infection between now and then - just to make sure his ears still look good and are draining like they should.  Apparently, little boys are more prone to ear infections and couple that with daycare germs and sick kids and it's the perfect storm.  Hopefully we've endured the worst of the colds and ear infections and his immune system is getting stronger. 

My mom came up to go to the appointment with me, so after our 2+ hour adventure at the doctor's office, we headed out shopping!  We were hoping to get Jack's picture taken with Santa, but there was a long wait, so we'll have to try again later.  Jack did really good while we were shopping.  He just rode around in the stroller looking at everything.  I bought him a dinosaur sandwich cutter when we first got to the mall so he was content to hold his little "prize"!  I'm so glad he was a good shopping buddy yesterday, because Mama and I got a lot of Christmas shopping done! 


The Regal Pup said...

I'm glad your little guy is healthy! Have a great Hump Day!

Stephanie said...

I feel ya on the ear infections/day care germies. My youngest son Parker is 2 and he's already had the ear tubes put in and we are considering tonsil removal next. I have one healthy child who is NEVER sick and one child who is ALWAYS sick, it's so draining. And I can tell ya my employer doesn't enjoy it either! lol. I hope your lil guy doesn't have to do the tubes route!

Shannon said...

So relieved to hear all is well with lil' Jack! That's good news!

I still have a few items to get for Christmas...I'm not sure it'll ever get done! Haha!

Hope you're having a good one, B!

Tales from the Trails said...

Good news from the appt. Thank goodness. Hope he continues to get better and doesn't have to get those stinkin' tubes

So jealous that you have Christmas shopped....I haven't started and I was told last night of more people to buy for, ugh.