
A Weight Loss Challenge, Invitations and a WINNER!

So I've been challenged to a weight loss competition by my BFF Heather.  Remember this post, well let's just say that I have not lost one pound since then and maybe I've even gained a couple.  Ughhh!  So, our weight loss challenge begins today and will only last until July 31.  I can do anything for a month, right?  The winner gets $200 and a healthier, better looking body.  Wish me luck!  Heather has always been more dedicated to weight loss than me but maybe, just maybe, this time I'll win the challenge!  I'll weigh in every Thursday and post my current weight just to keep me accountable.  So today my starting weight is 149.6 lbs.  I can't believe I just put that out there for the whole bloggy world!  HA!

Moving on...

Jack's birthday invitations are finally ready to mail and will go out today!  Only 16 short days until his first birthday party!  I think I've got everything done, but I've been planning for so long now that I cannot remember what all I have and what all I still need.  Hopefully this weekend I can get everything out, make a list of things still needed and get to shopping!  This little party is becoming quite the shindig!  I also have to order his cake, but I have finally decided on a bakery.  I should have listened to Randy from the start!  But when he says I should order a cake from "______ the Donut Man", I was a little leary!  HA!

Jack's school is having a 4th of July parade and picnic today, so it's only fitting he be dressed in Red, White and Blue.  I love his crossed feet and the milk on his chin in this picture. 

And now for the reason you are all still reading!

The WINNER IS Commenter #34 JDB of Chin Up, Pretty Smile, Give 'em Hell Congratulations and I will be emailing you shortly to get your contact information.  If I do not hear from you by Saturday, I will let Random.org select a new winner.

Happy Thursday Everyone!

1 comment:

Amy :) said...

Found you through Fun Follow Friday and am now following. I feel you on the weight loss challenge. I'm in on a "biggest loser" challenge with some of my friends. So, I do wish you the best of luck!
