Happy Birthday to YOU!
Official 12 Month Picture
Sweet Jack - I can hardly believe it has been one year since you were born, I remember it like it was just yesterday! That day was the first best day of my life and everyday since just seems to get better and better! You are the sweetest little boy I've ever met and seldom do you cry or fuss. You are always so happy, smiling, laughing or squealling and I am so happy that I am your mommy. You are so silly and so smart, just like your daddy. Every morning you push the button to open the garage door and every afternoon you push the button to close it. When we get home from school you always start saying "dada, dada" when we walk inside and just smile so big when you see your daddy. Little one, you melt our hearts and your daddy and I love you so much. We love to just watch you play and see what funny thing you're going to do next.
This is how you were sleeping when I checked on you last night.
Daddy and I laughed so hard - silly boy!
You are walking pretty good, but still fall when you get really excited and get to going too fast. If I leave the gate open to the kitchen though, you can walk like a champ and even step over the bar without falling. Most days I hold your hand and let you walk in and out of school. You do get side-tracked by the dirt and want to sit and play in it, instead of keep walking. Typical boy!
Jack, Grammy and Papa Jeff
Your newest little trick is making Indian noises. It's so funny to watch you. You'll make the noise then wait for us to imitate you before you'll do it again. You don't say too many words, but every now and then you will try to repeat what we say. You don't play "peek-a-boo" much anymore either, but you do like "Patty Cake". You've also started "reading" your books more. You just sit and flip through them looking at the pictures or feeling of the different textures. You have also started dancing, or rocking back and forth, when we turn on music. You are just too cute!!
More pics from the photo shoot can be seen HERE
You are beginning to eat "real" food much better and are officially off the bottle. I am so proud of you! It took a few days and you are still adjusting to drinking from a cup only, but you get better and better with each passing day, and you're doing really well on whole milk. You will eat almost anything I give you, but I do think the chicken and dumplings and chicken alfredo are your favorites. And, you love your mexican food!! Last week alone, you had taco meat one night, fajita meat another night and an entire beef enchilada with rice and beans and corn tortilla when we went to Tinos. You are definitely my child! You even say "mmmm" when you eat something you really like. I think you have a sweet tooth too, because you dug into some cake this weekend and were not real happy when I decided you had had enough.
We have your one year check-up tomorrow, so we'll find out just how big you actually are then. I'm guessing at least 27 lbs and 31 inches. And at the rate you're eating, I don't forsee you slowing down anytime soon!
You were only 4 weeks old when these pictures were taken and so tiny! Your daddy and I are so blessed to be your parents and are so thankful for the precious little boy you have become. You have filled our lives with a joy we never could have imagined. We are excited to see what the next year brings!
Happy Birthday Little Man!
We Love You so much!
Jack's Stats:
weight: 26lbs
height: 32.5 inches (I don't think this is right. We'll measure when we got home.)
height: 32.5 inches (I don't think this is right. We'll measure when we got home.)
clothes: 18-24 months, some 2T depending on brand
2 hour afternoon nap
in bed by 7:30 (most nights)
up by 7:30 (most mornings)
no more formula - YAY!
16 oz whole milk and water
3 meals and 2 snacks
4 bottom teeth and 4 top teeth
Linking to:
Congrats on your little man being a big one year old!!! What a sweet letter to him! Isn't it crazy how fast it all goes by?
Your little boy is so cute!!
This is such a sweet post that Jack will remember forever. He's growing so fast and so cute. Watch out girls!! : )
Happy Birthday! They grow up way to Quick. Enjoy the day!
Happy Birthday Jack! We had fun at your party!
What a big boy! Happy Birthday Jack! Aunt Heather is so sad that I missed your big day. But, you look like you had a wonderful time. You are soooo big and I can't believe how much you have grown. We miss you! Love, Heather, Lily and Chase...oh and Dale too!
How sweet! Happy Birthday sweet baby!
I have a Jack too! His birthday is just the corner. There seem to be a few jacks on the Sweet Shot Tuesdays blogosphere today!
sweet photos, and happy birthday to baby jack!
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