
Bath Time...

Or not! I bathe Jack almost every night. He loves bath time and just laughs and plays in the bath tub. But the past few nights, he has not gotten a bath. One night was because I was being lazy. It was Valentine's Day and we went to Scott and Kim's for dinner. (BTW, we do this every Sunday, so it being Valentine's Day is completely irrelevant.) Nonetheless, it was late when we got home and it was past bedtime for Jack, so we skipped the bath. 8:30 is late for us these days. Party animals! Well, last night I had full intentions of bathing Jack and putting him to bed, just as I do every other night, but he had other plans. School must have worn him out, because I laid him down for what I thought would be a cat nap at 5:30 and he. was. out! Poor baby woke up hungry at 11:30, so I quickly put him in jammies, changed his diaper, gave him a bottle and put him back to bed. By 11:30, Mama was already sleeping, so this goes in the category of him waking up in the middle of the night, which thankfully hasn't happened in a while! So tonight, Jack must have a bath! I'm sure he's feeling yucky, or maybe not since he is a boy, after all.

I think this is the cutest picture. He was probably about a month old and I had just finished bathing him. There is just no sweeter smell than a freshly bathed baby. Awe, I can smell him now.


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