
Jack's First Coloring Book

I've been wanting to get Jack a coloring book for a while now, but never think about it while I'm at the store - I don't typically go down the toy/coloring book isle.  Well, last night I ran to the grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner and someone had knocked over the display of coloring books, so I picked one up.  
Jack's First Coloring Book

I'll let the pictures (and Jack) tell the rest of the story...

"Thanks Mom!  This is pretty fun!"

"I like my new colors!"

"Mama took the colors away because I wouldn't quit eating them."

"Yay!  She gave one back, see?"

"Thanks for giving me back my colors."

"Mama told me not to put them in my mouth..."

"So she took them away again and I am NOT HAPPY!"

I realize he is pretty young to understand not to put crayons in his mouth, so next time I'm at the store I'll have to get him some of the little ball shaped crayons that are more age appropriate.  The ones we used today came with the coloring book.  I taped the coloring sheet to the high chair so Jack wouldn't be tempted to eat it too and he did really good!  I think the fit came more from being tired than from me taking the crayons away, because soon after the little fit I laid him in bed and he was OUT!


Jill said...

Awww.. Too Cute! I think all Kiddo's HAVE to try tasting crayons LOL.

I'm now Following via Wobble Over Wednesday :)

Sarah said...

That is so cute of baby Jack and his pictures coloring!