
I'm Thankful for...

{1} My Memaw and Grandad
Jack got sent home from school early on Monday for pink eye and so we stayed home Tuesday and Wednesday.  It just so happened that my grandparents were in town Tuesday for a doctor's appointment, so they stopped by to see Jack us.

These two were having some deep conversations!

{2} A Healthy Little Boy
I made this little onesie for a sweet baby girl with Juene's Syndrome.  Please keep this family in your prayers, as their baby girl is not doing well.

{3} Bloggy Friends
I made this little burpie and bib set for a sweet blog friend who just found out she's expecting!  I'm so happy for her and her cowboy!!

{4} A Child with a Healthy Appetite
My child can EAT!  For dinner last night he had a whole sloppy joe (minus the few bites I ate), french fries and pineapple.  He is definitely MY child because he went for the fries first! HA!  He wasn't too sure about the sloppy joe at first, but after those first few bites, he was shoveling it in like he hadn't eaten in days!

{5} Family Vacation in a Week
Thanks to my parents we'll be in South Padre for a few days next week.  WooHoo!  They rented a beach house (we've stayed there before and it's awesome!) for all of us.  It will be Randy, me and Jack, my 2 step-sisters and their husbands and my parents.  This will be Jack's first time to the beach and I'm sure he'll love it!

{6} Jack and his Daddy
I could not ask for more!  They make me smile and melt my heart!

What are you thankful for today?
P.S. I was featured today on House of Hepworths.  Thanks Allison!


~Dawn~ said...

What a beautiful post.

Dawn @ Mom-a-Logues

Kelley said...

I LOVE the bib you made.... it is soooo cute. Genius!

Tashia said...

Thanks for checking out my blog and becoming a follower! I have a nephew named Jack and one of my best friends just named her little guy Jack. Love the name and he is a cutie pie!

Allison @ House of Hepworths said...

You are welcome! ;)