We have been spending A LOT of time outside lately! Jack loves to climb up in the golf cart when we get home from school. Thankfully the golf cart has moved over to Uncle Scott's garage, thus making it much easier to get Jack in the house! HA!
Jack has also been having lots of "picnics" lately. I think he likes eating outside because he can walk around with his food - inside he has to eat in his high chair. AND, outside he gets to drink Capri Sun. They are his special "outside" drinks! HA! His new favorite foods are peanuts, pistachios, chicken taquitos and cracker sandwiches (cheese on crackers, stacked 2 high).
Jack has gotten really good at walking/running in flip flops, climbing up on the picnic table and playing in the dirt. Typical BOY! Did you notice our new shades hanging in the background? They are awesome and let us enjoy even more time outside since they keep the sun from beating down on us in the afternoon.
This little boy plays HARD - look at those dirty hands and feet! I took these picture Sunday evening after playing outside all day. He was filthy and so sleepy he climbed up on the table, laid down and said "nite, nite". Not before a bath, silly boy!
So cute...your phone takes great pics, mine not so much!
Love being outside! GG and I have spent countless hours outdoors since the weather turned nice!
Happy Wednesday Brandy!! Wow...Jack is getting so big. It is so sweet to see them transition to doing 'big boy' things...LOL! I always dread when my kids are outside playing and they are tired. I have the fear that they are going to fall asleep before the bath...LOL!
Love this great Spring weather. I can't wait for days like that with Miss K.
You can always hose Jack off at the back door, LOL!!
Day outside + nice bath = A good nights sleep
so sweet! call me crazy, but in the summer I keep baby wash outside and bathe my boys off before they hit the door! :)
Cute pics! I just love his little table & chair. That's so cute!
Beautiful, beautiful little boy. Watching him soak up life's goodness is precious, thanks for sharing the pics!
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