
Miscellany Monday

miscellany monday at lowercase letters

I haven't linked up with Carissa in FOREVER, but I'm feeling really random today and all over the place.

{one}  Mexican Food

 I love it and luckily so does Jack!  His favorite at a real sit down restaurant is a beef enchilada with chili con carne, refried beans and charro beans.

His favorite fast food Mexican joint is Taco Bueno (or Taco Beano, as he says) and it's only fitting since I ate that almost every. single. day. when I was pregnant.  He loves the party tacos and party burritos and he got his first taste of the MexiDip and Chips combo yesterday and LOVED it!

{two} Playing at the Park

{three} Sunfire Creative

 My Etsy shop is still open and going well.  I wish I had more time to sew and more time to devote to it, but the truth is there are more important things going on right now.  I give myself plenty of time to complete orders and try to balance Etsy, work, and family and I feel like I'm doing a pretty good job, despite the huge pile of laundry waiting to be folded!

{four} Art

 I'm loving the colored cotton balls Jack picked up at JoAnn's last week!  This is the BEST craft we've tried yet - very little mess!

{five} A New Jack

 I noticed Jack was using the ball popper like a jack to raise up his car and when I asked what he was doing, that's exactly what he told me.  Then proceeded to tell me that he needed Daddy's jack.  I explained that might be a little big for his car, well come to find out, Daddy had a mini jack just Jack's size!  He has played with this thing NON-STOP for the past week.  Think he's watched his daddy work on a car or two?

{six} Getting Cold

 I am not a fan of the cold at all, but there's something so sweet about this little boy all bundled up!  He still looks like such a baby in this picture and I love it!  He's growing up way too fast!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Hey Brandy!! How are you girl?? I feel like we haven't caught up in forever! I can't believe how big Jack is getting. He is adorable. Glad to see you are back in the swing of things with Sunfire Creative! Keep in touch.